
Deforestation is when humans remove or clear large areas of forest lands and related ecosystems for non-forest use. These include clearing for farming purposes, ranching and urban use. In these cases, trees are never re-planted.

Effects of Deforestation

Resultado de imagen para Loss of biodiversityLoss of biodiversity According to National Geographic, 80% of the world’s plants and animals live in forests, and many cannot live elsewhere.

Resultado de imagen para Climate changeClimate change Cutting down the trees also removes a mechanism to regulate the temperature in forested areas. Hotter days and cooler nights put additional strain on the remaining plants and animals.

Resultado de imagen para Loss of soil fertilityLoss of soil fertility Forested land can be attractive for agriculture because it seems so fertile. In fact, this often isn’t so. The seeming fertility of a rainforest depends on the complex relationships between a variety of plant species.

Resultado de imagen para FloodingFlooding Forests absorb heavy rains that otherwise could run directly into rivers and streams. After a storm, or after several rainy days, a local river can rise to flood stage, even with forests taking up much of the water.


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